How Not to Write a Book

Jason Little
2 min readOct 16, 2020


I’m a fan of stand-up comedy. One of my favourite comedians who we’re not allowed to talk about anymore released a TV series on a whim many years back when we were allowed to talk about him.

One day people on his mailing list got an email with a link telling them that the show was available for download. No marketing, no build-up, just bam, there it is, go get it.

Conventional wisdom says thou shalt write a book, hire a structural editor, copy editor, designer, marketer, shop it for publication, go on a book tour to promote it and create a 23-week plan to hype a book that will ultimately disappoint people.

There’s even plenty of guides for stroking your ego as an author that tells you to price your book at $1.99 on launch day and to place it in an obscure category to make it to bestseller status.

In the summer of 2019, I wrote a book inside of a week, forgot about it, rediscovered it a few weeks ago and released it much like what that evil stand-up comedian did with his TV show. It wasn’t copyedited. There were plenty of typos and stylistic errors, which, again, conventional wisdom says, is a no-no.

How could anyone take your seriously if you spel something wrong in a book? If THAT is your biggest complaint, it might be time to rethink all of your life choices that got you to this point.

“Bam! Here it is, go buy it”, I told the folks on my mailing list. 283 people did, and they seemed to like it, so then I polished it.

That brings me to the point of the book. It’s about how to change how you see change. In a world that values over-complicated frameworks, methods, and playbooks designed to turn your brain off, this book is about how to activate your brain.

It’s called Change Agility, which is totally buzzword-worthy. Still, you won’t find loopy diagrams and other limited-shelf-life ideas about how to do change at people harder with agile practices.

What you will find are stories and big ideas rooted in the values and principles of the agile manifesto. If you’re looking for the next magic fad, method, framework or playbook, look elsewhere. If you want to be more agile in change management, and you’re willing to change yourself first, this is the book for you.

Considering books are outdated before they’ve been released, the stories and big ideas in this book live on through an online community you’ll get access to for 3 months. You’ll find a secret code in the book you can use to sign-up for the community.

You can get it at Amazon in paperback and Kindle, as well as direct in all digital formats.

Now get it and make me a best-selling author, like the other 400,000 best seller authors out there.



Jason Little

Author of Lean Change Management, Change Agility and Agile Transformation. Once called a shit disturbed by my manager. For fun: Music producer and solo artist.